Top 10 Plants for an Office With No Windows

plants for office with no windows

Best plants for office


Working in a windowless office can be a bit of a drag - after all, natural light and fresh air are essential for productivity.

But did you know that adding some plants to your workspace can help lift your mood and improve your well-being?

This is why we have compiled a list of our top 10 plants for an office with no windows, each with unique features and easy-to-follow care tips.

Whether you're looking for something lush or low-maintenance plants, we've got you covered!

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Benefits of Indoor Plants for an Office with No Windows

Indoor plants have become increasingly popular in office spaces and for good reason.

Studies have shown that having plants in the workplace can improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity.

Not to mention, they add a touch of nature and beauty to any office space.

Aside from their aesthetic appeal, indoor plants have been proven to have positive effects on mental health and work productivity as well.

Studies have shown that having greenery around can reduce stress levels while increasing creativity and focus – making it easier for employees to stay productive throughout the day.

Additionally, having indoor plants can help improve air quality by filtering out toxins like formaldehyde and benzene which are commonly found in many offices today due to poor ventilation systems or furniture made with synthetic materials.

How to Choose Plants for a Windowless Office

When it comes to selecting the best plants for your office with no windows, there are a few things to consider.

First, to ensure your green companions flourish, select plants that can thrive in low or indirect light.

You’ll also want to think about how much maintenance each plant requires. Some plants require more frequent watering or pruning than others.

Office plants should also be adaptable to fluctuating temperature and humidity levels. So you’ll want to think about where you plan on placing the plants in your office – some plants may be better suited for certain areas than others.

Best Plants for an Office with No Windows

Say goodbye to dull office spaces and embrace the magic of these top indoor plants that are perfect for sprucing up your office desk or workplace.

Not only will they add a touch of beauty, but they'll also create a more pleasant and inspiring atmosphere.

Here is a list of the best indoor plants for a windowless office:

 1 Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace lily

Meet the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), a sophisticated and elegant houseplant that's ready to grace your office space with its charm and air-purifying prowess.

This popular tropical beauty boasts lush, deep-green leaves that seem to dance in unison, creating a mesmerizing display of leafy elegance.

But wait, there's more! The Peace Lily isn't just a pretty face – it's also a powerful ally in your quest for cleaner indoor air.

As if by magic, the Peace Lily works tirelessly to remove toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia from the air, earning it a top spot on NASA's list of air-purifying plants.

And let's not forget the star of the peace lilies show – its stunning, sail-like flowers. These delicate white blooms, called spathes, rise gracefully above the foliage, resembling a flag of peace waving gently in the breeze. Although in low light conditions, the Peace Lily will rarely flower.

The Peace Lily is no diva when it comes to care requirements. It thrives in low to medium light conditions, making it the perfect companion for those dimly lit corners of your office.

It'll even give you a subtle hint when it's thirsty – just watch for its leaves to droop slightly, signaling that it's time for a drink.

So why not invite this captivating and functional plant into your office environment?

With its graceful foliage and air-purifying abilities, it's sure to be a hit with your coworkers!

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2 Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

Aloe plant

The Aloe Vera plant is well-known for its healing properties, but did you know that it’s also an ideal houseplant for offices with no windows?

This resilient and easy-care plant can thrive in both low and bright-light conditions.

The Aloe Vera plant features thick, lanceolate leaves in various shades of green with white, spiky edges. It can grow quite large, so make sure to select a pot that is proportional to the size of your plant.

An Aloe plant requires minimal maintenance and only needs occasional watering when the top inch of soil feels dry. Aloe is a succulent, storing water in its leaves, so take care not to overwater it.

Aloe Vera's air-purifying qualities, coupled with its minimal maintenance needs and long-lasting foliage make it an excellent choice for any office with no windows.

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3 Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

snake plant

Step aside, high-maintenance plants, and make way for the resilient Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)!

This striking and hardy plant is a true champion when it comes to thriving in low-light conditions, making it an excellent choice for an office with limited or no natural light.

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue, boasts tall, sword-like leaves that stand upright, proudly displaying their vibrant green and yellow-striped patterns.

With its architectural silhouette and eye-catching appearance, this plant adds a touch of modern elegance to any office space.

But don't be fooled by its stylish looks – the Snake Plant is more than just a pretty face. It's a low-maintenance warrior that can tolerate neglect and still come out shining.

This tough indoor plant can withstand irregular watering and is highly adaptable to various environmental conditions, making it perfect for busy office workers who might forget to water it now and then.

As an added bonus, the Snake Plant moonlights as an air purifier! It works diligently to remove toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air, helping to create a healthier work environment.

So, if you're looking for a reliable and attractive plant to brighten up your office space without the need for constant care, snake plants are the perfect candidate.

Bring one into your workspace and enjoy the beauty and benefits of this remarkable plant.

Where to Purchase:




4 Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Lucky Bamboo

Introducing the Lucky Bamboo – a versatile and low-maintenance plant that's perfect for sprucing up your office, even if there's no natural light!

This popular indoor plant, known for its association with good fortune and positive energy, is a fantastic choice to liven up your office with no windows while requiring minimal care.

Lucky Bamboo is not actually a bamboo species, but it closely resembles one with its slender, green stalks that can be artistically twisted or braided. The leaves of this tropical plant are small and lance-shaped, adding a touch of elegance to the plant's overall appearance.

One of the reasons Lucky Bamboo is well-suited for offices with limited or no natural light is its ability to adapt to various lighting conditions. While it prefers bright, indirect light, it can also tolerate low-light environments, making it an ideal addition to dimly lit workspaces.

Caring for your Lucky Bamboo is a breeze! You can grow this resilient plant in either water or soil.

If you opt for the water method, simply place the stalks in a container filled with clean water, and change the water weekly to keep it fresh.

If you choose to plant it in soil, use a well-draining potting mix and water it sparingly when the top inch of the soil feels dry.

So, why not invite some good luck and positive vibes into your office with the charming Lucky Bamboo plant?

It's an attractive and low-maintenance option that will certainly brighten up your workspace, even if natural light is scarce.

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5 ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia), is a remarkable and hardy plant that is perfect for offices without windows.

With its ability to adapt to low-light conditions and minimal care requirements, the ZZ Plant is an ideal choice for adding a touch of greenery to even the most challenging office environments.

The ZZ Plant's striking appearance features glossy, dark green waxy leaves that grow on thick, arching stems, creating an attractive and lush display. Its unique aesthetic adds a modern and sophisticated touch to any workspace, making it a popular choice for office décor.

What sets the ZZ Plant apart as an excellent choice for windowless offices is its exceptional tolerance for low-light conditions.

While it thrives in bright, indirect light, it can also survive and grow in areas with very little or no natural light. This makes it a fantastic option for offices that rely primarily on artificial lighting.

In addition to its impressive adaptability, the ZZ Plant is also low-maintenance and a slow-growing species, meaning it won't require frequent watering or pruning.

It has evolved to store water in its rhizomes, allowing it to withstand periods of neglect or irregular watering. Simply water your ZZ Plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, and it will continue to thrive.

So, if you're seeking a resilient and attractive plant that can flourish in an office with fluorescent light and no windows, the ZZ Plant is the perfect solution.

RELATED: 15 Fast Growing Indoor Plants for Your Home

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6 Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

Cast Iron Plant

Say hello to the Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior), a true powerhouse when it comes to thriving in artificial lighting conditions.

As its name suggests, this sturdy plant is as tough as they come, making it an ideal choice for offices with limited or no access to natural sunlight.

The Cast Iron Plant features long, leathery leaves that grow directly from the soil, creating a lush and attractive display of deep green foliage. Its simple yet elegant appearance adds a touch of sophistication to any office space.

What makes the Cast Iron Plant an excellent candidate for artificially lit offices is its ability to adapt and thrive in low-light environments.

In fact, it has earned a reputation as a "shade-loving" plant, which means it can tolerate and even flourish under fluorescent lighting commonly found in office settings.

In addition to its remarkable resilience in low-light conditions, the Cast Iron Plant is also low-maintenance and forgiving when it comes to care.

It prefers well-draining soil and infrequent watering, making it a perfect choice for busy professionals who may not have time for regular plant maintenance.

So, if you're searching for an attractive, hardy, and low-maintenance plant that can thrive under artificial lighting in your office, look no further than the Cast Iron Plant.

Its impressive adaptability and charming appearance make it a fantastic addition to any workspace, regardless of the lighting situation.

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7 Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)


Looking for the best plants to brighten up your office space, but don't have access to much natural light? The Pothos may just be your new favorite office plant.

Not only is it low-maintenance and easy to care for, but it's also incredibly versatile when it comes to lighting.

The Pothos features long, heart-shaped leaves in various shades of green, yellow, ivory, and white. Its bright variegation draws the eye and adds a touch of visual interest to your workspace.

This hardy plant can easily be trained to climb or cascade, giving you the freedom to get creative with its display in your office.

This popular plant can thrive in both low and high-light environments, making it the perfect fit for any office space with little to no access to natural light.

Caring for the Pothos is also a breeze! This low-maintenance plant only requires occasional watering when the top inch of soil feels dry. It is a fast grower, so you may need to trim it back occasionally to keep it looking its best.

With its lush, green foliage and ability to purify the air, the Pothos is sure to add some life to your workspace and help create a more productive and inviting atmosphere.

LATED: 12 Tall Succulents to Instantly Elevate Your Garden or Home into a Gorgeous Oasis

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8 Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant

Introducing the perfect low-maintenance office plant: the spider plant. Not only does it look beautiful, but it flourishes in artificial light, making it ideal for windowless offices.

The spider plant's long, elegant leaves embellished with white and green variegation add a touch of liveliness to any dull workspace.

Even better, it's an excellent air purifier, eliminating harmful toxins and improving overall air quality.

These plants not only prosper but also blossom indoors, generating baby Spider Plants in the process. These offshoots can later be transferred to new pots, so pot one up and give it to your favorite co-worker.

The spider plant is low-maintenance and forgiving, making it an ideal option for busy professionals who may not have time for regular house plant maintenance.

It prefers well-draining soil and infrequent watering, usually only needing to be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Say goodbye to dreary workspaces and hello to a fresher, more vibrant office environment with the spider plant.

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9 Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum aethiopicum)

Maidenhair fern

The Maidenhair Fern is a delicate and elegant plant that can be an excellent choice for an office with no windows.

Although it's generally known to prefer bright, indirect light, the Maidenhair Fern can adapt to low-light conditions, making it suitable for spaces that rely on artificial lighting.

Featuring graceful, light green fronds with tiny, fan-shaped leaves, the Maidenhair Fern adds a touch of softness and elegance to any office setting.

Its intricate foliage creates a sense of tranquility, which can help in reducing stress and promote a calming atmosphere in the workplace.

While the Maidenhair Fern is slightly more demanding in terms of care compared to other low-light plants, it can still thrive in an office without windows if its specific needs are met.

To care for this plant, ensure that the soil remains consistently moist but not soggy, as the fern is sensitive to drying out.

Additionally, the Maidenhair Fern appreciates high humidity levels, so placing a tray filled with water and pebbles underneath the pot can help maintain the necessary moisture levels around the plant. Regular misting can also be beneficial.

The Maidenhair Fern is a beautiful and delicate plant that can become a charming addition to your workspace, creating a serene and inviting environment.

Where to Purchase:




10 Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Modestum)

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen is an easy-care and attractive houseplant that can thrive in offices with no windows.

It features large, oval leaves with mesmerizing variegation of green, cream, pink, and silver hues. The color of this plant can help you decide how much direct sunlight it needs. Chinese Evergreens with dark green leaves need the least amount of direct light.

This low-light lover does well in artificial lighting, making it an ideal choice for offices that don't have access to natural light. No wonder it is called a "Plant of Steel".

The Chinese Evergreen is a slow grower that requires minimal maintenance and only needs occasional watering when the top inch of soil feels dry.

So if you're looking for a low-maintenance plant that can survive in an office with no windows, the Chinese Evergreen is your best bet!

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Plants to Avoid in an Office with No Windows

best indoor plants for office with no windows

While some plants can tolerate low light conditions and still thrive in offices without windows, there are a few that should be avoided.

Plants such as Orchids, Jade plants, Ponytail palms, Yucca plants, African violets, Ficus trees, and most flowering plants prefer bright indirect light and require more frequent watering than plants that can tolerate low-light conditions and indirect sunlight.

So if you’re looking for the best plants to liven up your office space, make sure to stick to those that will survive in a windowless room with artificial light. The ones mentioned above are great options for office plants.

Plants Tailored For A Windowless Office

Introducing plants to an office with no windows can be a great way to add life and vibrancy to dull areas of the workplace.

From the Pothos to the Aloe Vera plant, there are plenty of low-light tolerant plants that can help transform your workspace into a more inviting and productive environment.

With a bit of research and careful selection, you can find the perfect low-light plant for your office space.

Kelly Keating

Hey there, meet Kelly Keating - a passionate gardener who loves to share her experiences and tips with the world. Her blog posts on Gardener Basics are packed with valuable insights on how to care for your garden, regardless of whether you're new to gardening or an old hand. Want to learn more about Kelly's journey in gardening and her published work in top gardening publications like Today, Homes & Gardens, House Digest, Daily Express, and Ferry-Morse. Check out her full bio!


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