Hanging Succulents: The New Trend in House Plants

hanging succulent plants

Hanging succulent plants


If you're looking for a way to add some life and color to your home décor, then you should definitely consider hanging succulent plants. These beautiful plants are becoming a popular trend in house plants and for a good reason! They are easy to care for and come in a variety of colors and shapes. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of hanging succulents, as well as how to care for them.

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18 Hanging Succulent Plants that are Show Stoppers

If you're looking for an ideal indoor plant to hang in your garden or living space, succulents are a perfect choice. With their signature cascading growth pattern and ability to store water in their foliage, stems, and roots, these plants thrive when placed on hanging planters or other containers. Some popular varieties of hanging succulent plants include:

1 String Of Pearls – Senecio Rowleyanus

hanging succulents

If you're looking for a statement piece to add some rock-star attitude to your home, say hello to the legendary string of pearls!

This succulent is one part diva and all parts survivable - with its waxy beads that store moisture like an oasis in a desert. A native of South Africa's arid regions, this succulent plant will provide plenty of drama wherever it hangs or crawls.

With its spidery, trailing tendrils full of miniature pearls, and its ability to survive in arid climates with minimal care, the string of pearls is sure to please any plant enthusiast. Its delicate growth habit lends it perfectly to hanging baskets or other containers where it can decorate your space with a magical cascading effect that will take you on an exotic journey right from within your home!

Add some sparkle by growing it as an eye-catching container trailing specimen - sure to be adored by all who set their gaze upon her beauty!

Where to Purchase:




2 Ruby Necklace/Little Pickles- Othonna Capensis

Give your home a touch of pizzazz with this beautiful, trailing succulent. Sparkling bean-like leaves dance along delicate stems - like bejeweled necklaces from the heavens! The deep purple-red hue and its cheerful yellow daisy-like flowers provide a pop of color and add an elegant flair to any indoor space and are guaranteed to catch attention.

Nicknamed little pickles for their leaf shape, this dainty succulent adds a unique, whimsical feel to any home and is perfect for a hanging succulent planter.

The best part? Caring for these lush little fellows is easy breezy -just give them some bright direct sunlight or occasional water in the active growing season, and let well-draining soil do its thing - you'll get luscious foliage that trails below in no time!

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3 String Of Hearts – Ceropegia Woodii

hanging succulent plants

Add a touch of romance to your home with the string of hearts! This graceful and elegant trailing succulent, native to South Africa, is sure to sweeten up any space. 

String of Hearts is like little love letters from nature! These vibrant succulents have sweet heart-shaped leaves that come in a lovely mix of pale green and silver. The stems on this plant are truly remarkable - they can grow up to 12 feet long! During the summertime,  you are greeted with an unexpected delight - exquisite purple lantern flowers! It's truly a captivating sight that leaves us in awe.

String of Hearts is super easy to keep around! In the warmer months, show them some extra love with a bit more water - but don't inundate 'em. For optimal care, provide bright and indirect light paired with well-draining soil.

With delicate heart-shaped leaves creating an eye-catching cascading effect as they drape down from baskets or walls, you won't be able to resist falling for the beautiful string of hearts.

Where to Purchase:




4 Burro’s Tail – Sedum Morganianum

hanging succulents

Are you in the market for a hanging succulent that will surely leave you speechless? Then your search ends here - the Burro’s Tail (Sedum Morganianum) otherwise known as Donkey's tail is exactly what you need!

This perennial has trailing stems and an array of show-stopping succulent blue-green leaves with a beautiful and inviting silvery bloom. Its hanging stems are long enough to reach four feet in length. Drawing admiring glances, the smooth-textured leaves grow in almost spiraling patterns.

Not only are those cylindrical leaves quite a sight to behold, but they also swell to become very plump when adequately watered. Just try not to bump this hanging beauty; its stems are brittle and even a slight knock can lead to leaf breakage.

This plant doesn't ask for much, aside from some bright light and occasional waterings - it's a low-maintenance friend that offers lots of love. Grow it in hanging baskets and it will bring texture and character to your home like no other. Be sure to give this plant plenty of room to roam and watch it transform your space with its mesmerizing beauty!

Where to Purchase:




5 String Of Bananas – Senecio Radicans

hanging succulent plants

Prepare to be awed by the mesmerizing beauty of the String of Bananas! Its almost tear-shaped banana leaves and trailing stems add interest and texture to any room.

This succulent plant provides a unique look to your hanging baskets with its long, trailing vines that reach up to three feet in length or longer! You'll even find little blooms in ivory, sunshine yellow, or lavender hues peeking out here and there for a dash of color!

The String of Bananas doesn’t ask for much except occasional watering (make sure soil is slightly damp but not overly saturated) and bright, indirect light paired with a well-draining potting mix. If you see the leaves starting to wrinkle, give it a bit more water - and let the beauty begin!

RELATED: 15 Fast Growing Indoor Plants for Your Home

Where to Purchase:




6 Monkey’s Tail-Hildewintera Colademononis

hanging succulent

If you're after a one-of-a kind addition to brighten your home or garden, the Hildewintera Colademononis (or Monkey's Tail) has got you covered!

This unique hanging succulent from Bolivia will catch everyone's attention with its long stems covered in soft white hairs.  As it matures and grows up 8ft tall, its branches start drooping downwards - giving this plant an adorable tail-like shape that inspired its name.

If you're looking for a unique style addition to your garden or home, this charming little hanging plant is sure to make for a beautiful conversation piece.

Caring for a Monkey's Tail is surprisingly simple! All it needs to stay happy and healthy is some bright, indirect light from its hanging basket home - just make sure the soil can drain properly so you don't become guilty of overwatering this little guy.

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7 String Of Nickels – Dischidia Nummularia

hanging succulent plant

If you're looking for a hanging succulent that's a bit more unusual than the usual suspects, then you've gotta try Dischidia Nummularia, otherwise known as String of Nickels.

Its long hanging stems, dotted with charming rounded leaves, make it an ideal candidate for any hanging basket or window box that needs a fresh touch. As its common name implies, its silvery pale green coin-shaped leaves look exactly like… you guessed it - nickels!

Unlike other hanging succulents out there, this one prefers higher humidity and low light so it might be more suited to your bathroom instead of your kitchen windowsill! Don't forget to show some love by repotting annually so its roots don't get too cramped!

Looking to jazz up your home with a small hanging garden in no time? Look no further than the String of Nickels; not only is it unique, but also quite easy to care for.

RELATED: 12 Tall Succulents to Instantly Elevate Your Garden or Home into a Gorgeous Oasis

Where to Purchase:




8 String Of Tears – Senecio Herreianus

hanging succulent

If you're looking to add some unique, exotic flair to your home garden, look no further than the String of Tears!

This captivating trailing succulent is unlike any other - with shades of green and purple along its stems that can reach up twelve inches in length. The leaves are truly a sight for sore eyes: they feature delicate shapes reminiscent of teardrops or raindrops while also boasting see-through windows which create an enchanting effect when light shines through them.

Additionally, if exposed to enough sunlight these plants will develop even richer colors on their stems and foliage - making for a one-of-a kind living art piece that's sure to be a conversation starter among visitors!

To keep these trailing succulents happy and healthy, make sure they get bright light or filtered sun for at least two to three hours each day. Keep in mind that while they may be delightful to look at, these hanging succulents are also toxic if ingested, so the best plan is to admire their beauty from afar.

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9 Dancing Bones – Hatiora Salicornioides

hanging succulent plants

Get ready to invigorate your décor with the wild and whimsical Dancing Bones!

This remarkable hanging succulent will bring a bit of comic relief into any space. With light green stems that can grow up to two feet, and bursting bells in yellow or orange - it's no wonder why this species is also called “drunkard’s dream” and “bottle cactus"!

Great for both indoor and outdoor areas, providing ample indirect light ensures these little guys live their best party life!

Where to Purchase:




10 Lantern Flower – Ceropegia Haygarthii

If you're looking to bring a little extra enchantment and mystery into your garden, look no further than Ceropegia Haygarthii.

This mystical hanging succulent boasts thick bluish-green stems with an intense vining habit – perfect for creating cascading beauty from baskets or other unexpected locations!

But even more, striking are the delicate flowers that make it so eye-catching: these cream lanterns speckled in deep burgundy tones will arrest any onlooker's gaze - hence why some common names include ”wine bottle vine," "parasol flower" and "bushman’s pipe."

The lantern flower is an amazing marvel of nature - its secret weapon to pollinate? Trapping flies inside and coating them in pollen! These ethereal beauties have interior hairs that point downward, creating a cozy prison for unwelcome visitors. The fly makes the ultimate sacrifice when the trapped-for-too-long visitor gets covered in yummy pollen before being let out with their cargo ready for delivery elsewhere.

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11  String Of Buttons – Crassula Perforata

hanging succulent plants

A vibrant little shrub with a name as sweet and curious as its appearance, ‘String of Buttons’ will thrive in the home or terrarium!

With its signature triangular leaves that spiral around the stem like buttons on a string, this plant captures attention with its captivating charm. Soft gray-green hues may be accentuated by dainty pink edges when exposed to sufficient light - perfect for brightening any room up indoors too. Say hello this season to some lovely pale yellow blooms that bring cheer each springtime!

It is a cinch to care for this hanging succulent: water when the soil is dry. Be sure to provide plenty of bright light, but avoid direct sunlight to keep it looking its best.

Hanging succulents are the perfect way to create an interesting look in any room in your home - plus they're super easy to care for!

Where to Purchase:




12 String of Dolphins -Senecio peregrinus

hanging succulents

Make your space into a stunning aquatic escapade with the stylish String of Dolphins. Flaunt its dolphin-like leaves and long trailing tendrils for an elegant display sure to make any onlooker double-take!

Dolphins may be fully aquatic, but their botanical doppelgangers aren't far behind! These lovable succulents thrive in bright light and cooler temperatures. Not only that–these cute plants are drought-tolerant without needing special care or maintenance keeping them lookin' good as new!

RELATED: Black Rose Succulent Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Where to Purchase:




13 Hindu Rope Plant-Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'

hanging succulent plants

The Hoya Compacta, also called the Hindu Rope is a wonderful addition to any living space! With lush trailing foliage that adds an elegant look when placed in hanging baskets; this succulent delivers aesthetics and ambiance.

During early spring until summer it produces delightful ball-shaped clusters of pinkish-white blooms with a heavenly aroma - perfect for brightening up those dreary days. And if you really care for your new houseplant friend, its flowers can last around four weeks - showcasing even more beauty over time!

With minimal effort on your part, you and a Hindu rope plant could make an unbeatable team! All it takes is well-drained soil, plenty of warmth and bright indirect light - easy as that. No experience is necessary; let the green thumb take over from here!

Where to Purchase:




14 Calico Kitten -Crassula Pellucida Variegata

hanging succulents

Calico Kitten trailing succulent, or Crassula Pellucida Variegata, is a unique and eye-catching plant to have in any space!

Its heart-shaped leaves start out with a creamy hue, then turn pink and maroon at their margins - a beautiful contrast to their bright green centers.

While Calico Kittens appreciate bright indirect lighting, they are also tolerant of high humidity and can even turn an impressive deep purple when exposed to full sun. Best of all, these little beauties will reward you with small white flowers if nurtured correctly - just remember to water it only when its soil is dry.

If you're looking for a trailing plants that's as quirky as it is cute, Calico Kittens might be your perfect new plant buddy!

Where to Purchase:




15 Jelly Beans-Sedum rubrotinctum

hanging succulent plant

Jelly beans may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of hanging baskets, but Sedum rubrotinctum (a hanging succulent) is the perfect specimen for an eye-catching downward display.

The small glossy green leaves on this plant’s stems will take on a vibrant pink-red hue when exposed to sun or drought for a truly striking effect.

It’s also known as “Christmas cheer” and “pork and beans” thanks to its yellow, star-shaped flowers. And if lush foliage is your goal? Jelly bean plant won't give you the blues: it can handle full sun to bright, indirect light. Bring on the joy with this hanging succulent!

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16 String of Turtles- Peperomia prostrata

hanging succulent

If your indoor garden needs something to turn heads, the String of Turtles is just for you!

This hanging succulent brings eye-catching multi-colored patterns that resemble miniature turtle shells. As it matures its vibrant hues become more subtle and distinctive; dark green meets light green to create a look one could only call "one of a kind". Make sure all eyes stay on this beautiful plant - perfect for adding visual intrigue!

The string of turtles has very particular care requirements, preferring bright indirect light and soil full of organic matter. Native to the Brazilian rainforest these lush greens love cooler temperatures with slightly moist conditions - just remember that drainage holes are essential for happy plant life! Be sure not to overwater; let your soils rest between regular periods of hydration.

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17 Peanut Cactus -Echinopsis Chamaecereus

hanging succulent

Echinopsis Chamaecereus is a low-maintenance cactus, sometimes referred to as the Peanut Cactus.

Its unmistakable bright orange-red flowers give it a cheery summer look, and its small white spines make it both attractive and safe from curious fingertips!

Native to Argentina, this delightful cacti looks fantastic potted in a hanging basket and allowed to grow freely.

Better yet, it is easy peasy to take care of it - just water when the soil is dry (especially during hot months) and keep the potting soil well drained. In short, if you're looking for a great addition to your home garden, a Peanut Cactus might just be what you need!

Where to Purchase:




18 Rat Tail Cactus-Aporocactus Flagelliformis

hanging succulent plant

If you’re looking for a special addition to your indoor or outdoor garden, the Rat Tail Cactus (Aporocactus Flagelliformis) could be just what you’re after.

Native to Mexico, this unique cactus grows long stems that trail and wind gracefully and can grow up to 3 ft in length. They even boast tiny, fine spines that almost look like fur - adding an element of texture and fun! The cherry on top is the bright pink or red blooms these cacti produce, transforming an already interesting plant into something truly eye-catching and show-stopping.

The rat tail cactus is a unique little plant that is as easy to care for as it is interesting to look at! All they need is bright light, well-draining cactus soil, and the occasional soak with water.

Don't forget that in the warmer months of summer, they could use an extra drink of water every couple of weeks, but don't overdo it! In winter they'll need time to rest and recharge their batteries, which means leaving them dry until spring brings them out of hibernation.

Where to Purchase:



hanging succulent plants

FAQS About Hanging Succulent Plants

How do you care for a hanging succulent?

The care for hanging succulents is similar to that of other succulent plants; bright, indirect light, and well-draining soil. Water when the soil is dry - especially during warm months - and let the soils rest between hydrations. Watch out for overwatering as it can lead to root rot.

Can You Hang Succulents Outside?

 Yes! Succulents can be hung outside, but make sure they are getting plenty of bright indirect light and not in full sun. Also, be aware that hanging succulent plants may dry out faster outdoors, so keep an eye on the soil and water as needed. Additionally, remember to bring your hanging succulent indoors if temperatures drop.

Are succulents good hanging plants?

 Yes! Succulents are excellent hanging plants; their trailing stems can create a lively and eye-catching look in any home. Plus, succulent plants require little maintenance and many of them can thrive in bright indirect light, making them the perfect addition to your home garden.

What succulents are best for hanging baskets?

A few of the best succulents for hanging baskets are the string of pearls, the string of hearts, and burro's tail to name a few. All of these plants feature beautiful trailing stems making them ideal for hanging baskets and their care requirements are easy to remember, so they're perfect for a low-maintenance home garden.


Succulents for Hanging Baskets

Introduce a magical touch to your décor with one of these stunning hanging succulent plants! These unique, easy-care varieties are sure to make any space shine - plus their cascading beauty is simply breathtaking.

Kelly Keating

Hey there, meet Kelly Keating - a passionate gardener who loves to share her experiences and tips with the world. Her blog posts on Gardener Basics are packed with valuable insights on how to care for your garden, regardless of whether you're new to gardening or an old hand. Want to learn more about Kelly's journey in gardening and her published work in top gardening publications like Today, Homes & Gardens, House Digest, Daily Express, and Ferry-Morse. Check out her full bio!


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